Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Love and kisses

Dear readers how are you today?
Well I am great! I am excited because Dominic gets out of school today which means he will be ungrounded! WOOT! I am so happy! I don't care if this entry seems cheesy because today I am very cheesy and romancy!

Dominic is like everything to me! He drives me crazy... In a good way haha!
I can't wait for him to come visit me this summer, I mean I haven't seen him since Christmas time so I am really excited. But hey when he does I hope I get my first kiss! I mean yes I have been kissed before but they weren't really qualified as 'kisses' and they were meaningless. So I really hope He gets to be my first official kiss! XD Shhhh don't tell no one it's a girly secret!

~Well I got to go now so Chow!!!~
~Luna~ <3>

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Injury, Pain, Sickness, and sweet Dominic!

Dear my blog readers, sorry for the long wait.
I have a lot to talk about! Let's begin starting now!
Well to start off I have this pinch nerve in my neck and it really is getting on my nerves. And then also my neck is extremely tense and it hurts a lot! Oh and did I tell you guys how I sprained my ankle like a month ago, and it still is bugging the crap out of me? And to top it all off I am stressed from my school finals, and my arguments with my mother.......And now I am sick! Seriously this bugs me!
Okay time to get on a more positive note. My amazing boyfriend! I miss him, Luv him and he means practically everything to me! I have my friends, and they are always there for me! But if I didn't have Dominic then I would be a living wreck right now. Well before last week I hadn't talk to him for a month, and sadly that was because he got grounded. But it made me so much happier when I got to talk to him last week, but that was only because he had to work on an assignment....Only 5 more days until he is ungrounded.... THANK THE LORD!!! Haha Sorry I just miss him so much, and I haven't seen him since December so I am a little lonely! But no matter what I am not giving up on him, and somehow him and I both are making it through...... It will be all worth it this summer when he comes to visit.... Just seeing his face will make all the stress and my problems go away! Dominic is seriously an amazing boyfriend, even if I don't get to see him much or talk to him a lot he always makes it up to me every time! I care about him sooooo much and I hope he knows that!........... I would write so much more but I have to go work on studying for my math test so Adios~


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Domino you have stolen my heart

Dear mind I just want to let you know that Domino is one of the most important things in my life at the moment. I care about him so deeply and I hope he knows that. He asked me to not give up on him, and that he is trying to win my heart. and knowing that he'll read this I wanna say this!!!! -Domino has won my heart, he won it when him and I started to get close. And he doesn't need to worry about me giving up on him, because I won't never have never will. If I still haven't given up for almost 3 years, then what makes it seem like its time to start now. because its not, there is no way i am giving up on this guy! I care about him so much and I hope he knows it!!!!
By the way i love speaking spanish it's so fun! "A me gusta hablo espanol mucho!" Don't get what that means? Well that means "I like to speak spanish a lot!" But I am not fully fluent, but i am in spanish 1, however i so have a A+ in the class! 
Domino here is one last message..... You have stolen my heart, it's okay you can keep it!


Sunday, March 28, 2010

birthday, 41, asking out, mother mad, yes, confused!

Well hello my mind, guess what today is? It's my dads birthday today!!! Woohoo, he is turning 41 lol shhhh don't tell that i said how old he is haha ^^. Anyways, Mr. is trying to ask me out, and i want to say yes, but my mom will get sooo mad at me if I do and then I'll get in trouble. I would just hide it from her but I would feel guilty, and it's so hard for me to hide things instead of letting it be obvious through my facial expression. 
  I seriously have no idea on what to do, can someone please just give me the answers because I am just so confused on which path is the right path at this moment.


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mr. D, so happy, cloud nine, and Mr. D

Well hello my mind, bet you can't guess how i am at the moment???.... give up? Well I am fantastic!!!! Mr. D finally got on the computer!!! and we talked.... I AM SO HAPPPPPYY!!! I am on cloud nine at the moment, and I don't think anything could bring me down. He said he won't be here for 4 months, and that's going to make me sad. However I will get over it!
       It doesn't matter the length in time, I will wait for him no matter what! He is making me soooo happy on the inside. I truly like him, and I just can't wait for my parents to realize that. It's so good to hear from him...... I am so happy it's not even funny! Well better go, I need to go eat dinner and go and talk to mr. D some more... CHOW!!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mr. K, spanish, red & mr. S, mr. D :(

Hey guys, lets make another entry! Well to start off, people are starting to get the idea that my friend Mr. K likes me just because him and I hang out all the time. 
I had an amazing day in spanish, and now my counsler wants to have this meeting with my parents... Joy!!!... NOT! 
    ...Remember that guy that I said that I... kinda liked Mr. S? Well today he wore my favorite shirt of his.. Idk why it is but it is! Its this red shirt, and it looks really good on him. It makes him stand out.... He is really funny, i'm glad to have him as my friend!
   Still no news about Mr. D..... :( I will wait as long as it takes, but the longer he is away, the more my heart breaks!
Well I better go..... bye


Friday, March 19, 2010

*turns switch on*, he makes me happy, i miss him, stay!

Well hello again my readers, um where to start my blog of my mind.... Well looks like I have to turn on my brain haha.... *walks into brain and flips the switch* haha okay lets start. 
   Well to start things off I am feeling very excited because my cousins are here and i am always sooooo happy when they come to visit lol they are my buddies! 
   ...Mr. D still hasn't came to visit yet... It's making me hurt the longer he is gone, and the longer i have no contact with him... I miss him so much, .... my mother will never approve of him and me which hurts me so much because all I want is to be happy and he makes me happy. Now my dad may not like it but he will just deal with it and let me so i will be happy...... I just wish everyone would see and understand how he makes me feel, he may seem like a bad person on the outside but on the inside he is amazing person. He knows just how to make me smile, no matter what i cant help but be happy around him, and even when i'm mad or sad... its not for long because he'll just make me laugh and feel all amazing and warm inside.... as my fav. song that he showed me the last time he came over says, "Please don't walk away and please tell me you'll STAYYYYYY!"........ 

well i gtg my cuzins back so bye....
